updating failed with this error message....

guest@calculate ~ $ sudo emerge --sync

Synchronization of repository ‘gentoo’ located in ‘/usr/portage’…
Starting git pull in /usr/portage…
fatal: Unable to look up git.calculate.ru (port 9418) (No address associated with hostname)
!!! git pull error in /usr/portage.
guest@calculate ~ $

I currently using CLDX x64 in live mode.I live in Thailand.
Now I don’t know what is wrong with update command.

for synchronization, use `eix-sync`
after installing Portage packed

result for “sudo eix-sync” is…

guest@calculate ~ $ sudo eix-sync
 * Running !!-hooks
Checking portage...
 * Syncing all portage overlays

 * Fetching remote list,...
 * Remote list already up to date: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/overlays/repositories.xml
 * Last-modified: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 16:00:05 GMT
 * Fetch Ok

 * Syncing selected overlays,...
 * Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman/calculate  && /usr/bin/git pull )
fatal: Unable to look up git.calculate.ru (port 9418) (No address associated with hostname)
 * Failure result returned from Git
 * Errors:
 * ------
 * Failed to sync overlay "calculate".
 * Error was: Syncing overlay "calculate" returned status 1!
 * db.sync()

 * CLI: Errors occurred processing action sync_all
 * Errors:
 * ------
 * Failed to sync overlay "calculate".
 * Error was: Syncing overlay "calculate" returned status 1!
 * db.sync()

 * layman -S failed
 * Running !-hooks
 * Running emerge --sync
>>> Synchronization of repository 'gentoo' located in '/usr/portage'...
>>> Starting git pull in /usr/portage...
fatal: Unable to look up git.calculate.ru (port 9418) (No address associated with hostname)
!!! git pull error in /usr/portage.
 * emerge --sync failed
 * Time statistics:
     1 seconds for syncing
    17 seconds total
guest@calculate ~ $

Please show <> and <<cat /etc/resolv.conf>>

guest@calculate ~ $ sudo nslookup git.calculate.ru
;; Got recursion not available from, trying next server

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: git.calculate.ru

guest@calculate ~ $ sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
guest@calculate ~ $

Please show <>, may be your internet provider is blocking git port.

guest@calculate ~ $ su
calculate ~ # nmap git.calculate.ru

Starting Nmap 6.25 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-07-10 14:40 UTC
Nmap scan report for git.calculate.ru (
Host is up (0.50s latency).
rDNS record for calculate.ru
Not shown: 992 filtered ports
21/tcp   open   ftp
25/tcp   open   smtp
80/tcp   open   http
113/tcp  closed ident
389/tcp  open   ldap
443/tcp  closed https
5000/tcp open   upnp
9418/tcp open   git

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 504.31 seconds
calculate ~ #