
Add support for GObject based introspection
Name Category Description
gdl dev-libs GNOME docking library
gegl media-libs A graph based image processing framework
geoclue app-misc A location information D-Bus service
geocode-glib sci-geosciences GLib helper library for geocoding services
gexiv2 media-libs GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
glade dev-util A user interface designer for GTK+ and GNOME
gnome-autoar app-arch Automatic archives creating and extracting library
gnome-bluetooth net-wireless Bluetooth graphical utilities integrated with GNOME
gnome-calculator gnome-extra A calculator application for GNOME
gnome-desktop gnome-base Library with common API for various GNOME modules
gnome-latex app-editors Integrated LaTeX environment for GNOME
gnome-menus gnome-base Library and layout configuration for the Desktop Menu fd.o specification
gnome-online-accounts net-libs GNOME framework for accessing online accounts
gnumeric app-office The GNOME Spreadsheet
goffice x11-libs A library of document-centric objects and utilities
gom dev-libs GObject to SQLite object mapper library
goocanvas x11-libs Canvas widget for GTK+ using the cairo 2D library for drawing
gpaste x11-misc Clipboard management system
graphene media-libs A thin layer of types for graphic libraries
grilo media-libs A framework for easy media discovery and browsing

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