
Build with PyPy3
Name Category Description
ecdsa dev-python ECDSA cryptographic signature library in pure Python
editables dev-python A Python library for creating 'editable wheels'
elementpath dev-python XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml
elicense app-portage Tool to find installed packages in Gentoo with non-accepted license(s)
elogv app-portage Curses based utility to parse the contents of elogs created by Portage
email-validator dev-python A robust email syntax and deliverability validation library
empy dev-python A powerful and robust templating system for Python
entrypoints dev-python Discover and load entry points from installed packages
ephemeral-port-reserve dev-python Bind to an ephemeral port, force it into the TIME_WAIT state, and unbind it
eradicate dev-python Removes commented-out code from Python files
exceptiongroup dev-python Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups)
execnet dev-python Rapid multi-Python deployment
extras dev-python Useful extra bits for Python that should be in the standard library
fakeredis dev-python Fake implementation of redis API for testing purposes
fastimport dev-python Library for parsing the fastimport VCS serialization format
feedgenerator dev-python Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator
feedparser dev-python Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
fields dev-python Container class boilerplate killer
filelock dev-python A platform independent file lock for Python
findpython dev-python A utility to find python versions on your system

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