
Build with Python 3.12
Название Категория Описание
a2wsgi dev-python Convert WSGI app to ASGI app or ASGI app to WSGI app
absl-py dev-python Abseil Python Common Libraries
accessible-pygments dev-python A collection of accessible pygments styles
adblock dev-python Python wrapper for Brave's adblocking library, which is written in Rust
aiocache dev-python Asyncio cache manager
aiodns dev-python Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
aiofiles dev-python File support for asyncio
aiohttp dev-python HTTP client/server for asyncio
aiohttp-cors dev-python Implements CORS support for aiohttp asyncio-powered asynchronous HTTP server
aiohttp-socks dev-python SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp
aioresponses dev-python Helper to mock/fake web requests in Python's aiohttp package
aiosignal dev-python A list of registered asynchronous callbacks
aiostream dev-python Generator-based operators for asynchronous iteration
aircrack-ng net-wireless WLAN tools for breaking 802.11 WEP/WPA keys
ajsonrpc dev-python Async JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol + server powered by asyncio
alabaster dev-python A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
alembic dev-python Database migrations tool, written by the author of SQLAlchemy
allpairspy dev-python Pairwise test combinations generator
aniso8601 dev-python A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings
annotated-types dev-python Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated

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