
Add support for libsndfile
Название Категория Описание
alure media-libs The OpenAL Utility Toolkit
aqualung media-sound Music player for a wide range of formats designed for gapless playback
aubio media-libs Library for audio labelling
audacious-plugins media-plugins Lightweight and versatile audio player
blender media-gfx 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
deadbeef media-sound foobar2k-like music player
e16 x11-wm Enlightenment Window Manager (E16)
ecasound media-sound a package for multitrack audio processing
fluidsynth media-sound Software real-time synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications
gtick media-sound Metronome application supporting different meters and speeds ranging
herrie media-sound Herrie is a command line music player
jack-example-tools media-sound Official examples and tools from the JACK project
julius app-accessibility Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
k3b kde-apps Full-featured burning and ripping application based on KDE Frameworks
lame media-sound LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
mandelbulber media-gfx Tool to render 3D fractals
mhwaveedit media-sound GTK+ Sound file editor (wav, and a few others.)
moc media-sound Music On Console - ncurses interface for playing audio files
mpd media-sound The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
octave sci-mathematics High-level interactive language for numerical computations

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